Spoken Word - Michael Reynolds

Thursday, 8 June 2017 - 9:00am to 9:30am
Michael Reynolds, Passionate Tongues, Melbourne poetry scene

One of the earliest Spoken Word shows from the first year of the programme, 2009, panelled by our founder, the late Rhonda Jankovic. Santo Cazzati introduces Michael Reynolds, the convenor of the long running Passionate Tongues gig in Brunswick, tireless and selfless photographer of poets in action, and general patient nice guy of our scene. We hear poems by both of them and they talk about the scene as it was then, its gigs, its personalities, outstanding and memorable events.

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
