Spoken Word - Pope Fred

Thursday, 13 July 2017 - 9:00am to 9:30am
car culture, consumerism, critique of the mental health system, reform and revolution

The meeting of a saint and a pope - Spoken Word presenter Santo Cazzati introduces Pope Fred, anarchist, cultural agitator and colourful personality. Pope Fred rants spiritedly against car culture, consumerism, the mental health system and many others. The two protagonists discuss the reasons for the attempted control of society through the mental health system, the underlying economic causes of society's ills and the possibilities for a revolutionary transformation of that society.

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
