Fluxus Lives on 3CR!

Thursday, 12 April 2018 - 9:00am to 9:30am

Renowned Melbourne sound poets, Sjaak de Jong and Shane Van Den Akker, join us in the studio to talk about the Fluxus art movement and its influence in Australia. With live recordings from their recent Fluxus Lives! event at the Melbourne City Library, as well as performances from Ania Walwicz, Eddy Burger, Anna Fern, Razor Hope, Jeltje Fanoy, Sjaak de Jong, Shane Van Den Akker and Peter Murphy.

Do not adjust your set!!

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
