Spoken Word - Viki Mealings

Thursday, 31 December 2020 - 9:00am to 9:30am

Santo Cazzati invites poet/singer/songwriter of Brittle Sun, Viki Mealings back to 3CR Spoken Word for a programme with a social justice slant. Viki is a gritty, honest artist who will not cover over difficult issues with saccharine and fake optimism. And yet, her poetry is indeed cause for optimism precisely because it is real and can thus show the way forward. Viki covers a wide range of subjects. A highlight of the programme is her singing her tribute to Bobby Sands, the IRA hunger striker.

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
