Spoken Word - Helen Bradwell at Girls on Key

Thursday, 15 July 2021 - 9:00am to 9:30am

On this program we play excerpts from a live performance by poet and teacher, Helen Bradwell, from this month’s Girls on Key, which was held at Open studio on the 7th July 2021

Helen’s writing has won the Ada Cambridge prizes for poetry and biographical fiction, and the Nillumbik Poetry Ekphrasis award. In 2020 her poetry was shortlisted for competitions including the MPU and the ACU prizes. She has had poems published in ‘Rabbit’ journal, some Red Room publications and in a number of award anthologies.

Follow Girls on Key on social media, or go to girlsonkey.com to find out more about this great grassroots effort creating opportunities for women and gender diverse poets to create and connect.

We also hear a piece by Wahibe Moussa, one of the feature poets at the Feminist Climate Justice Poetry Night, details of which are below.

Feminist Climate Justice Poetry Night
Leinster Grove Community Hall
99 Leinster Grove Thornbury
29 July 2021
7:30 pm – 10:30 pm AEST

Tickets and further info: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/feminist-climate-justice-poetry-night-tickets-151907777251

Thursday 9:00am to 9:30am
A program dedicated to the eclectic world of poetry and performance. Guests are contemporary poets who read and discuss their works.


Di Cousens, Indrani Perera, Tina Giannoukos, and Waffle IronGirl
