
Susan Fealy, Flute of Milk, new Australian poetry, University of Western Australia Publishing
27 Apr 2017
Guest Susan Fealy presented by Santo Cazzati.
20 Apr 2017
Guest : Susan Fealy; Presenter : Santo Cazzati
6 Apr 2017
Di Cousens interviews Amy Bodossian
Ian McBryde, We The Mapless, Canadian Australian poet
30 Mar 2017
Santo Cazzati presents Ian McBryde
16 Mar 2017
George O'Hara (Laura Fisher)
Hani Abdile performs her poetry
2 Mar 2017
Di Cousens interviews Hani Abdile
16 Feb 2017
George O'Hara (Rik the Most)
2 Feb 2017
Di Cousens interviews Kerry Scuffins
Let Them Stay - the refugees from Nauru
5 Jan 2017
Di Cousens, producer, Anne Elvey, poet, Ezra Bix, actor
Maurice McNamara, melbourne spoken word, melbourne poetry, australian poetry
29 Dec 2016
Santo Cazzati presents Maurice McNamara