Jacques and Jennifer talk about the scandalously unequal distribution of COVID-19 vaccines throughout the world, while a few people and companies make billions by charging exorbitant prices (US$16 to $24 a dose, with the cost of production estimated US$1.18 to $2.85 a dose). Meanwhile the more reasonably-priced AstraZeneca vaccine has fallen flat.
While richer countries seem happy to pay the higher prices to stay ahead of the queue, poorer countries are left mostly unvaccinated.
'The People's Vaccine Alliance' is campaigning for a COVID-19 vaccine that is freely available to everyone everywhere ... Go to www.peoplesvaccine.org
Anna Marriott and Alex Maitland, The Great Vaccine Robbery: Pharmaceutical corporations charge excessive prices for COVID-19 vaccines while rich countries block faster and cheaper route to global vaccination. via ‘The People’s Vaccine’ www.peoplesvaccine.org or directly :
Jillian Deutsch and Ashleigh Furlong ‘How AstraZeneca threw away its shot’. The subtitle is: ‘AstraZeneca and the EU might have ruined Africa’s best chance out of the pandemic’. from POLITICO https://www.politico.eu/article/how-astrazeneca-threw-away-its-shot/
Edward Luce (Financial Times) Covid has shown up Western Democracy’s childish tendencies
And for a good summary of the national COVID vaccination schamozzle, see Farrah Tomazin and Clay Lucas inthe Saturday Age of July 31st pp. 23/28-9 How Vaccine Rollout went off the Rails
Jennifer Borrell & Jacques Boulet