MPD150, Tigist Kebede, Distinguished Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson | 3CR Community Radio

MPD150, Tigist Kebede, Distinguished Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson

Thursday, 16 July 2020 - 7:00am to 8:30am

We listen to part of a powerful conversation from the Virtual Progress 2020 Conference on creating police-free futures. Three community organisers from MPD150, Arianna Nason, Jae Hyun Shim and Molly Glasgow, join Meriki Onus co-founder of Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance, to discuss lessons and insights from MPD150's work towards dismantling the police force in Minneapolis, US.


Anya Saravanan, from 3CR's Women on the Line, speaks with Tigist Kebede, counsellor, and volunteer at AMSSA Youth Connect about what was happening in the housing estates after the lockdown was announced. Women on the Line broadcasts Monday 8:30am to 9:00am and is available on podcast


Priya speaks with Distinguished Professor Aileen Moreton-Robinson about the 20th edition of her groundbreaking book ‘Talkin’ Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism’, which was released by the University of Queensland Press on the 2nd of July 2020.



Grand Ideas - Alice Skye 

22 Clan - MackRidge x Barkaa

Gemini - Sachém 

Woke Blokes - Thelma Plum 

