Lest We Forget the Frontier Wars. Credit: Sovereign Union.
Acknowledgement of Country//
Khoi Nguyen is the Community Engagement and Legal Education Officer at Q+Law, a specialist LGBTIQA+ peer-led legal service operating in Victoria in partnership with Fitzroy Legal and Queerspace. Q+Law provides a free state-wide access to legal assistance over the phone, online or in person for anyone who identifies as part of LGBTIQA+ communities. Today Khoi joined us to speak about an interactive workshop(link is external) happening this Saturday, where queer folks can learn about their rights and obligations when interacting with police at protests.//
We hear an excerpt from 3CR's Radioactive Show where Crunch spoke with Ray Acheson(link is external), who's a writer, activist, director of Reaching Critical Will(link is external) and a steering member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons(link is external). Ray discussed the strength of First Nations organising against all things nuclear, police repression, organising against cop cities, mutual aid and solidarity. You can listen to the full interview that aired on Saturday 13th of April, and catch the Radioactive Show on 3CR Saturdays 10-10:30AM.//
Deena is a Masters of Public Health student and member of the grassroots coalition Unimelb for Palestine(link is external). Today, Deena spoke to us about the Gaza Solidarity Encampment(link is external) starting today, Thursday 25th of April at 10AM. The encampment is the latest organising effort by Unimelb for Palestine, again calling on the university to cut all ties with weapons manufacturers. Drawing on inspiration from student protests at Columbia University in the US(link is external), the action states ''Disclose, Divest, We Will Not Stop, We Will Not Rest!''//
Professor Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union(link is external), last surviving member of the original Aboriginal Tent Embassy's founding four, and Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic joins us to discuss the importance of commemorating the Frontier Wars on this date of colonial military remembrance. The March on ANZAC(link is external), which has been held on April 25th in Canberra for over a decade now, highlights the vital resistance of Aboriginal people who lost their lives in the Frontier Wars fighting against colonial invasion.//
Bill Abrahams is a primary school teacher and member of Teachers and School Staff for Palestine VIC(link is external). Today Bill discussed the coalition's recent resource Teaching for Palestine: Challenging Anzac Day(link is external), australia's historical and ongoing repression of Palestinians, how official remembrance obscures the realities of war and promotes imperialism and militarisation, and the role of teachers and school staff in dismantling these myths.//
Emily, Inez, Leila, Priya