
Áine Tyrrell outside 3CR

Did you miss this week's Celtic Folk Show and the beautiful songs of Ánne Tyrrell live-to-air? Don't panic! You can still listen on demand for the coming week and hear this special preview of new tunes from Áine's latest cd, Queen of Swords. "Áine's music cradles the spirit of her native homeland, and tips the cap to a notable family history of Irish music tradition". Áine Tyrrell Bio.

Ladyz in Noyz founder, Marlo De Lara

Ladyz in Noyz Australia is a national tour co-ordinated by 3CR's own sound tech and killer noise musician Lara Soulio to showcase female sound, noise and experimental artists, host workshops and panel discussions as well as launch Ladyz in Noyz Australia Vol. I & II, a comprehensive 2-disc compilation. Two of our kick-arse music programs, Burning Vinyl and Let Your Freak Flag Fly hosted live-to-airs this week featuring artists from Ladyz in Noyz. Listen back on demand.

Celeste Liddle, Liquid Architecture Festival Artist

Our podcast of the month is Women on The Line's 'Sounds of Feminism' produced by Nicole Curby. The program explores: What would a feminist methodology sound like? That's the question that sound festival Liquid Architecture is posing.We hear profound performances from Celeste Liddle (pictured), Evelyn Ida Morris, and Makiko Yamamoto, plus a conversation with Liquid Architecture's artistic director, Danni Zuvela. Listen to the podcast.

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first.Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.
Burning Vinyl Live From The Public Bar

Burning Vinyl's June Live Broadcasts are even bigger and better in 2015! This year we've moved our Burning Vinyl spectacular to The Public Bar in North Melbourne. This allows us to host full bands for a louder and more rocking good time for allSo cancel your afternoon meetings and have a long lunch at The Public Bar with Burning Vinyl every Friday in June from 2-4pm. Entry is FREEbut donations will be gratefully accepted and a percentage of the bar takings go to the Burning Vinyl Radiothon target. 

We Weren't Born Yesterday

Are you interested in diverse queer history? We Weren’t Born Yesterday is a series of four hour-long episodes focusing on the voices of GLBTIQ people from Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic and Hindi speaking backgrounds. Did you miss them? Why not listen now. Produced by the Queering the Air Collective, the series explores queer heritage, vocabulary and intergenerational connections in migrant communities in Australia.

Breakfast at Friends of the Earth - live on air

The Sustainable Breakfast Series is on again following on from last year's delicious success with radical radio, a delicious free breakie and live local music. Join the live audience and hear discussions from 3CR breakfast presenters on local sustainability issues, from setting up cheap renewable energy and workers co-operatives to urban agriculture and building resilient communities in the Yarra area from Monday-Friday, March 23-27, 7am-8:30am.

Summer Specials
Thursday 9:30am to 10:00am
A feast of shorts, docos, features and specialist music from 3CR broadcasters and our community radio family.
Beach and Palms - Summer Specials

Throughout January there's still plenty of reasons to stay tuned to 3CR Summer Specials. The Voice of West Papua brings you extended Summer Tunes Mondays 3-5pm and 6-7pm.

3CR Raffle - Get Your Ticket!

The 3CR Raffle was drawn yesterday live on Lazy Wednesday and the winners are:  

1st PRIZE: A LUXURIOUS GLAMPING WEEKEND donated by  HappyGlamper - Vicki Beitseen