Community languages

Poster art for 3CR Disability Day Broadcast 2019 by Rukaya Springle (aka clitories).   IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colourful digital illustration of a group of people with different visible and invisible disabilities, gathered together in a group. They have different skin tones, and appear to be different ages. One of the people illustrated is Jane Rosengrave; she is flexing her biceps and wearing an Aboriginal Flag t-shirt.

On Disability Day this year we hear from BIPOC (Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Colour) with various kinds of disabilities across 12 hours of dedicated programming. On 3 December from 7am-7pm we'll feature 'Power from the margins' covering BIPOC perspectives, live music, artists and discussion. Check out the full details here. Poster art for 3CR Disability Day Broadcast 2019 by Rukaya Springle (aka clitories). Image description: A colourful digital illustration of a group of people with different visible and invisible disabilities, gathered together in a group. They have different skin tones, and appear to be different ages. One of the people illustrated is Jane Rosengrave; she is flexing her biceps and wearing an Aboriginal Flag t-shirt.

Yorta Yorta woman, Raising Our Voices broadcaster and disability advocate Jane Rosengrave

Each year 3CR celebrates International Day of People with a Disability on 3 December. This year from 7am to 7pm, the 12-hour broadcast will focus on BIPOC (Black People, Indigenous People, and People of Colour) with various kinds of disabilities. If you have ideas or would like to be involved, contact this year's Coordinator, email 

Beyond the Bars 2019

In 2019 we celebrated NAIDOC Week with Beyond the Bars  ... featuring stories, songs, opinions and poems from the men and women in the Dame Phyllis Frost Centre, Barwon Prison, Fulham Correctional Centre, Marngoneet Correctional Centre, Karreenga Annex, Loddon Prison and Port Phillip Prison. The all-Black radio broadcast team presents these special broadcasts for NAIDOC Week each year. You can now listen back to all of our broadcasts online. 
Beyond the Bars Media Release 2019

Broadcast details:

Monday 8 July, 11-2pm, Dame Phyllis Frost Centre
Tuesday 9 July, 11-2pm, Marngoneet Correctional Centre
Wednesday 10 July, 11-1pm, Fulham Correctional Centre, 1-3pm, Loddon Prison
Thursday 11 July, 11-2pm, Port Phillip Prison
Friday 12 July, 11-1pm, Barwon Prison, 1-2pm, Karreenga Annex

Greek Resistance Punk Gig

Greek Resistance Bulletin presents a Punk Fundraiser on Saturday 6 July at Bar 303, High Street, Northcote. With Pest, Somatized, Pala, Punter, Scab Eater and Gun Laws with more to be announced! Check out the Facebook event. $8/10/12 unwaged/waged/solidarity. Free entry for First Nations people. And don't forget to Tune in each Tuesday at 10pm - Greek Resistance Bulletin brings you news from the social movements of Greece, including anti-fascist and anti-racist news and information about grassroots political initiatives.

Ajak Kwai performing at '3CR Radio Music Feast' in November 2022
Wednesday 8:30pm to 9:30pm
Giving voice to the local African community to tell their stories through music and spoken word. Challenging one-sided political narratives that deny our contribution to society and create hostility toward our community. ENGLISH, DINKA, NUER, ARABIC
Completada Bailable fundraiser

Come along to our Completada Bailable/Danceable Feast! Saturday 8 June at Moreland City Bandroom, 16 Cross Street, East Brunswick, from 6pm. Live music by Abraham Alejandro Dunovitslittle chilli and Stinky Grrl, Dj Twins, DJ Twin Grace and DJ Otorongo spinning dance tunes. Entry is $10 with a completo (Chilean hot dog/vegetarian/vegan alternative available).  NO BYO, drinks for sale, we will be selling wine and beer. We will also have delicious kombucha kindly donated by the good brew company. Join us for a fun night of food and dancing for a good cause!  

3CR Radiothon is coming - starts 3 June

Save the date! 3CR's annual fundraiser is on the horizon. It's a time of tension and celebration as our programmers fundraise their hearts out to keep the station going for another year. Partly we fear this time of year, and partly we love it! We love the rallying of community, and generosity of our listeners, and the commitment everyone shows to strong, independent airwaves. Bring it on! Power Radical Radio, 3-16 June. 

3CR - 21 Smith Street Fitzroy

All members of the Community Radio Federation are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 27 March at 6.30pm. If you're a subscriber - that means YOU! The meeting will be held upstairs at the station at 21 Smith Street, Fitzroy. If you are planning to attend please RSVP to our Station Manager by phoning during business hours 03 9419 8377 or email Included in the agenda are three important resolutions proposed by the Committee of Management and we need our members to vote on these resolutions. If you are subscriber and unable to attend please contact the Station Manager (above) by 5pm on Monday 25 March to obtain your proxy form.

Celebrate International Women's Day this year with 3CR! On Friday 8 March we’ll bring you 24 hours of non-stop radio by, for and about women. Join our fabulous women and gender queer broadcasters as we talk with talented Melbourne activists, songwriters, storytellers and musicians making a difference. Between 5.30 and 6.30pm we’ll broadcast live from the IWD rally at the State Library in the city.  Check out the schedule for the day here.

Subscriber Drive 2019 - original artwork by Emily Floyd

The community of passionate members that founded 3CR made some tough decisions. They committed themselves and a growing community of listeners to back their vision of owning our station, and remaining independent of government or corporate influence. They did this by fundraising brick by brick, with working bees, door knocking and on-air drives and it is with the surety of this ownership that 3CR survives today. We are evolving and growing with the challenges of our times, driven by the energy, politics and passion of our volunteers and members who turn up and do the work - week in, week out. And we need your commitment to keep us on air. Show your support during Subscriber Drive 11-17 February 2019. Feed Radical Radio - subscribe now