Tuesday Breakfast - Family and Violence Domestic Leave, #Metoo in India, Survival Sex and The Community Grocer

Tuesday, 28 August 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Image by the Australian Unions

Tuesday 28 August 2018

with Saranya, Lauren, Ayan 

7.00 am  Acknowledgement of Country

7.05 am  News headlines  

7.15 am Deepanjana Pal, Indian author and writer who is in town for the Melbourne Writer's Festival chats to Lauren about #MeToo and feminism in India.

7.30 am  Kara Keys from the ACTU joins Anya to discuss the importance of and need for paid Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) leave and how to push for this to happen in Australia.  

7.45 am  Alternative News

The team discuss reproductive coercion and how forced pregnancies and abortions and birth control sabotage deny women control over their bodies.

Conversation about 'Crazy Rich Asians' - a new film that is raising interesting questions about representation, colourism, and 'Asianness' in the West.

8.00 am  
Dr Juliet Watson, Lecturer in Urban Housing and Homelessness and the Deputy Director of the Unison Housing Research Lab at RMIT University, joined Anya to talk about homeless women and 'survival sex' - why this is happening, how this issue affects young women disproportionately and what kind of structural changes we need to see in the housing market to tackle this problem.

8.20 am  Ayan speaks to Laila from The Community Grocer Laila shares exciting news about their upcoming crowdfunding campaign.  

artist: Macy Gray
song: Still

artist: OKENYO Feat. Miss Blanks & Jesswar  
song: Woman's World
artist: Mojo Juju
song:  Native Tongue