Sacred Heart Primary School, Renuga Inpakumar and Tamil Refugee Council, Stop the Robert Menzies Institute, Julie Kun the CEO of WIRE and Lucie Krahulcova of Digital Rights Watch | 3CR Community Radio

Sacred Heart Primary School, Renuga Inpakumar and Tamil Refugee Council, Stop the Robert Menzies Institute, Julie Kun the CEO of WIRE and Lucie Krahulcova of Digital Rights Watch

Tuesday, 7 September 2021 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Winner of Victorian Multicultural Film Award 2021, Year 4-6 category. 'Double, Double Culture' by SLC HOPE

Phuong speaks with teachers and students from Sacred Heart Primary School located around the corner from 3CR in Fitzroy. They spoke to me about their project with Storyscape where they wrote and produced two songs and accompanying video clips. The students spoke about the importance of their cultural identity and what it means to share this with others in the community.

To view the music video, visit https://vimeo.com/565154488(link is external) 
Genevieve speaks with Renuga Inpakumar, a spokesperson and activist for the Tamil Refugee council. Renuga spoke to us about the current threat of deportation that thousands of Tamil refugees currently face in Australia and the struggles that many face in light of the COVID pandemic.
Also, please consider donating to https://www.gofundme.com/f/funeral-for-koneshwaran(link is external) to support the Krishnapillai family
We speak with Brianna and Brendon from Stop the Robert Menzies Institute at UniMelb, which is due to open in November. It is sponsored by right-wing and explicitly partisan think tanks and has been met with little consultation with students and staff. Please go to https://stopmenziesinstitute.wordpress.com/(link is external) to sign the Open Letter. 

Here's the Facebook page and Twitter: 

https://www.facebook.com/NoMenziesInstitute(link is external)

https://twitter.com/StopMenzies(link is external)


And here's the event page for that debate against the Young Liberals:

https://fb.me/e/2pcm2yyMf(link is external)

Kannagi Speaks with Julie Kun the CEO of WIRE. WIRE along with other community orgs is urgently urging for action at the 2021 Women’s Safety Summit, which launched yesterday and goes till today, 7/9.
Evie speaks with Lucie Krahulcova, the Executive Director of Digital Rights Watch - Australia's premier digital rights and freedoms advocacy group. At the end of August the Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020 was passed by both houses without any significant changes after both an extended period of public comment.
Go to https://digitalrightswatch.org.au/ to find out more