Reproductive Health and Wellbeing leave, Menstrual Pain as a workplace issue, Racism at work, ending sexual violence at universities

Tuesday, 22 March 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Virginia Mapedzahama


Increase in Islamophobia in "Australia"
FTFJ x SS4C Family Friendly community evening
We hear from Kate Marshall, Assistant State Secretary at HACSU, talking about HACSU's recent campaign for Reproductive Health and Wellbeing leave at a panel discussion about severe menstrual conditions and leave entitlements.
Shannen Bethune from Liberty Victoria speaks with Phuong about participating in Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project, publishing a report on menstrual leave, ‘Policy for Equality: Menstrual Pain as a Workplace Issue’, the impact of menstruation at work and what rights menstruating employees should have.
Dr Virginia Mapedzahama, critical race scholar and Director of Member Education at Diversity Council Australia (DCA), speaks with Kannagi about DCA's report 'Racism at Work' released on Monday, the importance of anti-racist actions and how whiteness is still our default.
Dr Jess Ison, researcher at the Judith Lumley Centre, coordinator of the La Trobe Violence Against Women Network and Gender Studies, Criminology and Legal Studies lecturer, talks with Gen about the ‘Change the Course’ report published 5 years ago, which was set out to end sexual violence and harassment at Universities.