Uprise Radio - Episode #1 - Extinction Rebellion in Australia

Friday, 20 September 2019 - 10:30am to 11:00am
Spring Rebellion in Melbourne (Green Left Weekly)

This first episode of Uprise Radio aired on 20/09/19 - the day of the Global Strike for Climate - and weeks before Extinction Rebellion (XR) lauched their October Spring Rebellion, a program of non-violent civil disobediance around Australia. This episode looks at the history of Extinction Rebellion, its success in Europe and its organisational aims and modes. Hosts Jackson and James are also joined at the 20 minute mark by Dr Christine Canty, an XR Families Organiser to talk about non-violent direct action, children and the climate crisis and disrupting business as usual. 


Also featuring the voices of Zane Alcorn, Greta Thunberg, Roger Hallam and Gene Sharpe, and music from Jimmy Cliff, Elf Transporter, 1975 and Big Thief. 

Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A radical current affairs program providing a critical analysis of a topic in the news cycle that deserves closer inspection.


James Brennan & Mercedes Zanker.
