Uprise Radio - Episode 21 - Reconsidering The Australia - USA Alliance in 2020

Wednesday, 1 July 2020 - 5:30pm to 6:00pm
US aims are shaping Australian foreign policy - to what end?

Spirit of Eureka was formed in 2004 to remember the success of the eureka stockade and reflect the voice of Australia’s ordinary people and the struggle for present day endeavours and struggles for justice, democracy and sovereignty. It has an online forum coming up on July 4th - US Independence Day - titled "Does Australia need independence from the USA? 

We are lucky to be choices by Spirit of Eureka convenor Shirley Winton one of the forums key organiser and a long time anti war activist and Professor Clinton Fernandes, one of the forum’s key speakers and an expert in the future operational environment for Australia’s military. 
Wednesday 5:30pm to 6:00pm
A radical current affairs program providing a critical analysis of a topic in the news cycle that deserves closer inspection.


James Brennan & Mercedes Zanker.
