ICAN we can, Midsumma festival, Youth theatre and Plans for US led security force in Syria.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am
Wednesday breakfast Rundown 6th of December. 
Presenters, Judith Peppard,  and Patty Beggs

7:00am: Introduction:

7:10am ICAN, We all can 
Tim Wright is the Asia-Pacific director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons  joined us in the studio to update us on the international treaty to abolish nuclear weapons and ICAN's planes for 2018.

7:25am Midsumma festival Dani Weber on the phone speaking about The Coco Butter Club opening Friday  Jan 19 as part of the 
Midsumma Festival,Victoria's premier LGBTQIA+ cultural festival. 
7:45am Australian Theater for Young People Amy Maiden joined us on the phone to talk about The report: Building mental wellness and agility through youth theater, that was published by the ATYP.

8:00am  Plans for US led
 security force in Syria Associate professor Mehmet Ozalp updates us on developments in Syria during 2017 and the US proposal for a border security force.

8:15am Call to action on proposed deregulation of new GMO Tech Bob Phelps from Gene Ethics updates us on reviews of the regulations governing new genetic manipulation techniques. 

8:30am End:

Track List
The Cactus Channel, Leech 
Mojo Juju, Psycho
TomGirl, My Lovers