Last Friday, In Ya Face presenters James and Yvette speak with Morgan Carpenter, founder of Intersex Day, co-executive director of Oll Australia and consultant at GATEOrg, about his MNC submission into religion freedom (unpublished) the Ruddock Review, ending human rights violations against intersex persons and that intersex is not LGBT
Mark Donaddu director of world Vegan day, and President of Vegetarian Victoria. Mark is due to speak at the upcoming Community council meeting Bayside Climate Change Action Group, April 25th, a Public Forum.
John Safran - John's Melbourne International Comedy Festival show is John Safran, Jew Detective< Snooping on Extremists and draws on the research he did for his book Depends What You Mean By Extremist.
StolenWealthGames updates.
Grace Hall, Sonia Randhawa