NAIDOC week, Tim Jones, QC2018, Songs of Satire

Wednesday, 4 July 2018 - 7:00am to 8:30am

7:00 Acknowledgment of country.

7:02 Featured song Nitty Gritty by Shirley Ellis.

7:05 Alternative News.

7:17 Featured song Black Smoke by Emily Wurramara.

7: 22 Songs of Satire, breaking down the meaning behind this weeks song “Black Fella White Fella” by the Warumpi band.

7:33James speaks with Phoebe Le Brocque, a bisexual woman and a member of the Queer Collaborations Organising Committee (QCOC) for QC2018, the national Australian queer student conference. They discuss the vital role of the conference, queer student activism, and collective changes.

The conference runs July 1 – 7 in Brisbane. For more information, visit

7:47 Featured Song Australia Does Not Exist by band DRMNG NOW.

7:52 Beyond Bars information and discussion.

8:00 Featured song A-WA by Habib Galbi.

8:05 Tim Jones speaks on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the government's responses, especially the National Apology scheduled for October.

8:20 Information about upcoming NAIDOC week (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) running from the 8th- 15th and the events that will be going on.

8:25 Awareness for Chris Lawton’s gofundme page. Chris Lawton has subject of workplace racial discrimination.

8:28 Featured Song Shake that Thing by the Yung Warriors.