7:00 Acknowledgement of Country.
7:01 Hellos & coming up.
7:07 Alternative News segment and discussion around Voting Age being lowered to 16 and Lebanon move towards legalising Homosexuality.
7:22 Songs of Satire featuring this weeks song “Horror Movie” by Skyhooks discussing the sensationalism of violence within the media.
7:34 Public Forum discussing New Caledonia’s independence referendum (to be held later this year) and the future of French colonialism in the Pacific panel with Charles Wea, Nic Maclelan and Helen Gardner on 7.30-9.00PM, Wednesday 1 August at the Institute of Postcolonial Studies (78-80 Curzon Street, North Melbourne VIC 3051). Charges: Waged: $5, Unwaged: $3, Members free
7:36 Alternative News and discussion around ongoing case of Ms Michaela Banerji right to free whilst working for governmental agencies. This has recently resurfaced after the attorney general intervened to reject a Federal Court appeal hearing to send case to the High court.
7:40 Featured song of The Senegambian Jazz band with their song Farafina
7:45 Interview from 3cr presenter Jazelle Hannah with Aunty Sandra around the removal of Sacred Djap Wurrung Trees by Vic Roads in extension of freeway.
7:56 Featured song by artist Hansa
8:00 Discussion around the July 11 Protest and three-part demonstration at Melbourne University, BHP and Department of Home Affairs protesting the participation of Universities within the development of military technology, the destruction of the environment by companies in Australia and the current treatment of refugees and asylum seekers within Australia.
Will, from Disarm Universities joins us in interview to discuss Disarm Universities role in the Melbourne University protest and the message of this united demonstration as a national campaign of student voice to highlight the series of interlinked oppressions and the destructive system they claim is upheld by Governments, universities and corporations that fuel the neoliberal agenda via corporatism, militarism, the violent oppression of human rights, the abuse of refugees and the deliberate destruction of the environment.
8:14 Featured song Haze by Cacartu
8:16 Interview with Zianna from Friends of the Earth and Students of Sustainability Summit, discussing the aforementioned July 11th protest by students, providing inisight to the BHP demonstration.
8:28 Wrap up
Grace Hall, Sonia Randhawa