TAFE, Oceana Gold & the Philippines, West Papua & Activist Support

Wednesday, 13 November 2019 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Wednesday 13th November 2019 

Sophie from the Melbourne Activist Legal Support discussing the groups formation, intention and resources provided to protesters.

Oneal Waromi discussing the crimes of genocide and devastation occurring in West Papua and what the Australian government and people need to be doing to address it.  

[43:35] Desiree Cai, National President at the National Union of Students joins us to discuss the new proposed Tuition Protection Bill. This aims to install financial protections for students and other issues surrounding the TAFE sector. The National Union of Students endorses this bill but has submitted a recommendation with significant reservations mainly the concern that higher costs to providers often translates to to higher costs for students, that the bill fails to address issues within private sector providers and that it falls short with regulation and funding. More information at http://nus.asn.au/

[1:02:55] Andrew from the Philippines Australian Solidarity Association (PASA) joins us to shed light on Australian Mining company Oceana Gold activities in the Philippines. Andrew discusses the sustained local protest against the the company which has been alleged to have committed environmental and humanitarian rights abuses. This issue can be followed on PASA facebook page as well as monthly meetings hosted by PASA every Friday held at Trades Hall.


Avant Gardener - Courtney Barnett
Sensory Memory - Jen Cloher 
Everyday Everyday - STAV 
William Morris - The Maes 
Ngarrikwujeyinama - Emily Wurramara