Invasion Day Special - Aboriginal Tent Embassy 50th anniversary activist speeches, alpine Indigenous language revival, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service discusses self-determination, systemic racism, ending deaths in custody and protest rights

Wednesday, 26 January 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am

Content warning for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and other First Nations listeners:

This broadcast contains the voices and names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders who have died, and references to suicide, trauma and deaths in custody.

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Yarning Safe 'n' Strong 1800 95 95 563 (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people only)


7:00 Acknowledgement of Country

7.03 Claudia presents excerpts from the 2022 Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Invasion day panel discussion chaired by VALS CEO Nerita Waight. The panel discusses self-determination, systemic racism, ending deaths inc ustody and protest rights.

7:42 Ella shares the voices of Aboriginal rights activists Bruce McGuinness, Bob Maza, Jack Cummings, Ken Brindle, Roberta Sykes and Michael Anderson from the 1972 Tent Embassy achives.

8.07 Alice speaks with Ngarigu woman Professor Jakelin Troy from the Snowy Mountains, Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research at the University of Sydney.



Nathan May - Lost

Thelma Plum - Around Here

Lady Lash - Crest of Gold