Mohammad Semara Youth activist, No Northern Incinerator Wollert, non-disclosure agreements, Market Forces

Wednesday, 19 June 2024 - 7:00am to 8:30am

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We heard Mohammad Semara, Youth activist from the local Sudanese diaspora speaking at last Sunday's Free Palestine Rally.

Cath Rouse from No Northern Incinerator Wollert joined us and spoke about of what being proposed and who are the main actors behind this. You can check the NO Northern Incinerator Wollert Facebook page for more information.

Sonia spoke with Wil Stracke, veteran activist from Trades Hall about their campaign on non-disclosure agreements.

Kyle Robertson Joined us and spoke about Markert forces and Santos Project. Santos is one of Australia’s largest producers of oil and gas.


Bassam Muneer, Iraqi musician who performed during the musical interlude at the last of the fortnightly Understanding Palestine lecture series hosted by Black Spark with the Averroes Centre of Arab Culture

Red Sands by Ajak Kwai

Love Will Keep Us Alive by Naihana at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre