Origins of Easter, Park Hotel refugee release, ethically produced chocolate, State of the Environment report

Wednesday, 13 April 2022 - 7:00am to 8:30am

7:14  We hear about the origins of Easter from Dr Caroline Tully, an Honorary Fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the University of Melbourne.

7:35 Dawn Barrington, refugee activist and folk singer, speaks on the refugees who have recently been released from the Park Hotel and the many challenges that lay ahead as the men seek to move on with their lives and return to some sense of normalcy.
If you want to support the refugees, you can donate or volunteer your time with the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project, check them out . The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre or
7:58 University of Wollongong Senior Lecturer in Accounting Dr Stephanie Perkiss breaks down “The Chocolate Scorecard” – your guide to ethically produced chocolate.
8:10 Jess Abrahams, Nature Campaigner for the Australian Conservation Foundation, discusses the State of the Environment Report, a comprehensive review of the state of Australia’s environment which the government is required to conduct and release every five years. Despite having the report since December 2021 the Morrison government is yet to release it, with many believing it's a blatant attempt to dodge more bad press ahead of the election.
Love is Everywhere- Pharoah Sanders
Pledge My Soul- Dawn Barrington 
Milyakburra- Emily Wurramara