
black and white pixelated image of hands crossing each other. Swirls surrounding the hands.
16 Jul 2024
Xen Nhà with Rogelio Ruckus, Kayla Tange, and Daphne Nguyen.
8 Jul 2024
Kannagi, Frances, Phuong, Rohen, Sarah Mokrzycki, Trish Hepworth
Don't Nuke the Climate
1 Jul 2024
Phuong Tran & Sanne de Swart
navy blue and yellow image of an Asian migrant worker holding a microphone in protest. A police officer illustrated in the background with their back turned away from the worker.
24 Jun 2024
Xen Nhà with Bee and NaMon
A photo of a woman pulling a trolley with two young children inside. They are walking on the sidewalk away from the camera. There's a road sign on the left and some trees on the right.
27 May 2024
Phuong Tran & Emily Duyên Đặng
collage featuring a swirly static background. Image of an Singaporean woman with bleached blonde hair and black hair looking blankly into the camera. Next to her is a book she published titled 'Peripathetic'
20 May 2024
Xen Nhà with Cher Tan
An image of Tan Safi holding a camera and filming aboard the deck of one of the ships of the Flotilla. Tan is wearing a black t-shirt, backpack and headphones. Other ships in port can be seen in the background.
6 May 2024
Cleis Hart, Tan Safi, Huwaida Arraf