
Photo of Lesley and Tammy Williams
5 Oct 2015
Mother and daughter authors Lesley and Tammy Williams chat with us about their newly released book, 'Not Just Black And White - A Conversation Between a Mother and Daughter'. The book is a memoir about Lesley and Tammy shared journey which is rooted in shedding light on the untold stories of Aboriginal domestic servants and labourers who were never paid for their work.
Lesley Williams and Tammy Williams
28 Sep 2015
Women on the line went to Melbourne Fringe Festival show "I Am That Woman." The show features five self described non-conforming women who share their experiences.
Presenter - Nicole Curby and Emma Hart; Guests - Lana Woolf, Viki Mealings, Jax Jacki Brown, Amanda Anastasi, Elizabeth 'Lish' Skec
Ika Vantiani
21 Sep 2015
A conversation between Melbourne and Jakarta that traverses the role of women in the post- Suharto period. Zine making, DIY arts and crafts, and gender identity. This conversation was recorded in anticipation of Footscray Community Arts Centre's exhibtion and event series WANITA
Presenter: Nicole Curby Guests: Rani Pramesti, Ika Vantiani, Sooji Kim
Nita Okoko
14 Sep 2015
We hear an exciting and important talk about African feminism organised by Radical Women Australia. The talk is titled Feminism in Africa: From its Ancient Roots to Now and was delivered by Kenyan feminist, international student and Radical Women member, Nita Okoko.
Nita Okoko
Liquid Architecture: What would a feminist methodology sound like?
7 Sep 2015
What would a feminist methodology sound like? That's the question that sound festival Liquid Architecture is posing. Over four weeks, 31 brilliant female artists are stepping up to respond. We hear profound performances from Celeste Liddle, Evelyn Ida Morris, and Makiko Yamamoto, plus a conversation with Liquid Architecture's artistic director, Danni Zuvela.
Presenter: Nicole Curby Guests: Danni Zuvela, Celeste Liddle, Evelyn Ida Morris, Makiko Yamamoto
31 Aug 2015
Two staunch women in conversation about decolonisation and the free movement of people. Lucy Honan of the Refugee Action Collective and Meriki Onus from Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance discuss the parallels between their struggles that challenge the border, the nation state, and the violence used to uphold them.
Pressenter: Nicole Curby ; Guests: Lucy Honan, Meriki Onus ; Co-producer: Tuffy
Mayda del Valle
24 Aug 2015
We speak with LA based poet, performer, teaching artist and ice cream connoisseur Mayda Del Valle who is down in Melbourne for the Footscray Community Arts Centre's Poetic Days Weekend. She discusses representation, ancestral memory and the sexism in the spoken word poetry spaces.
Mayda del Valle
17 Aug 2015
Women, sex and culture: Queer across generations
Presenter - Amy Middleton, Guests: Teresa Savage, Viv McGregor
10 Aug 2015
This is the fifth and final instalment of our special Women on the Line series, 'Australia’s race to warm the planet' about this country’s particular contribution to global warming and what can be done to stop it. In this episode we look at how Australia can become completely decarbonized in the next decade. We talk to Jenny Lewis from think tank and research organisation Beyond Zero Emissions about BZE’s 10-year de-carbonization plan.
Bec Zajac and Jenny Lewis
Atong's Art Work
3 Aug 2015
Atong Atem speaks on being a 'Third Culture Kid', studying fine art in a very white institution and why she prefers Womanism to feminism.
Atong Atem