Amy's Bike Skills in Yarra + Pushbiking for mental health - Perth to Sydney 2017 | 3CR Community Radio

Amy's Bike Skills in Yarra + Pushbiking for mental health - Perth to Sydney 2017

Monday, 23 October 2017 - 10:00am to 10:30am
"That time at the end of the day when your only 40 odd km from Adelaide but the headwinds kicking it up a gear, the traffics raging at city peak hour conditions and you almost get hit several times, when you pull over and say there is always tomorrow"

"That time at the end of the day when your only 40 odd km from Adelaide but the headwinds kicking it up a gear, the traffics raging at city peak hour conditions and you almost get hit several times, when you pull over and say there is always tomorrow"

On this weeks program Chris chats to Amy-Nicole Peters and Tina McCarthy. Amy-Nicole is riding from Perth to Sydney by bike and estimating to cover over 6,000km, her motivation is to show that anyone can take on a great challenge and make a difference in the lives of others living with mental illness.

"I have personally experienced mental illness and I want to be open about my experience. I believe mental illness isn’t something to be hidden or considered a taboo topic. It can affect anyone at any time."

Read more about Pushbiking for mental health - Perth to Sydney 2017(link is external) on chuffed.org(link is external) fundraising page, facebook(link is external), instagram(link is external) and twitter(link is external)

Tina from Wheel Women(link is external) talks about two upcoming cycling courses for older women in the City of Yarra, Amy's Bike Skills is a FREE 4-week program designed to give skills and confidence to ride your bike more often. We chat about breaking down barriers, fear factor, meeting other women, and learning more about bike skills to make riding fun. The first Amy's Bike Skills four week course starts Tuesday 24 October at Park Street Dining(link is external) next Velo Cycles (815 Nicholson Street, Carlton North) and a second four-week course commences on Saturday 25 November(link is external) at the same location. Contact Tina at WheelWomen if you want to know more about either of these two free bike skills courses(link is external).


Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR

Yarra Bicycle Users Group Radio on 3CR

Monday 10:00am to 10:30am
Yarra Bicycle Users Group promotes urban cycling. Providing support to campaigns to improve cycling conditions and awareness; demystifies cycling technology and helps to reveal the diversity of cyclists, from children to commuters to lobbyists.


Chris, Faith, Val and Steve
