Faith and Val are joined in the studio by Dr Elliot Fishman of the Institute for Sensible Transport. We share our bike moments before taking at brief look at some local news. The Amy Gillett Foundation has been resurrected with an unfortunate focus on distracting flashing lights for riders, and nominations are open for local council elections, check the Streets People Love campaign to see who is running in your area and how they stand up for active transport.
Elliot was one of five researchers who worked on the AustRoads research report Prioritising Active Transport, which focuses on interventions to grow active transport and reduce incentives to use cars, and evaluates the effectiveness of various measures aimed at increasing the walking and cycling mode share. Elliot takes us through some of the key points from the comprehensive report, includinng those ingterventions which are most effective, and those that aren't. We also look at how interventions work together to be effective. To read the full report or watch the three webinars created to explore the report take a look here.
We finish up with a quick reminder that the next Critical Mass ride will be on Thursday September 26th.
Chris, Faith, Val and Steve