Yeah Nah Pasaran! | 3CR Community Radio

Yeah Nah Pasaran!

Thursday 4:30pm to 5:00pm
Examining, through an anti-fascist lens, ethno-nationalism, white supremacy and neo-fascism in so-called Australia, Aotearoa & around the world. Andy Fleming & Cam Smith talk to writers and fighters about angry blighters.

Andy Fleming & Cam Smith.



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About Yeah Nah Pasaran!

Andy and Cam have been broadcasting on 3CR about the comings and goings of the far-right since 2009. Until 2019 they did so via The SUWA Show, but at the start of 2020 launched YNP!.

YNP! is an award-winning weekly show dedicated to putting fascism and the far-right under the microscope through interviews with writers, activists, and others happy to say yeah nah to fascism and nah yeah to its gravediggers.

Show notes can be found here(link is external). Subscribe on Apple Podcasts(link is external) or Spotify(link is external).