Music Sans Frontieres 30-04-24

Tuesday, 30 April 2024 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Playlist: 30-4-2024 presented by Joe

EVAC – Manaia Muki; Single [2024]
Sacred Flowers - Blue Mountain Tribe; Oh Great Warrior [2022]*
KURRAKA (Songbird in the Night) - BUNNEY LUNAM; Single [2024]
Magpie Bolero - Mexican Music Man; Single [2024]
Doing It For The Forest - Rose Turtle Ertler; Single [2024]*
Heart Song Listen - Alanna and Alicia; Heart Song Listen [2024]*
1982 - Valley Road; Valley Road [2023]*

Interview with Rosa Voto, founder of Melbourne School of Tarantella, previewing the show RAPTURE: A Musical Journey of Transformation (delving into the mystical world of Pizzica, as it  illuminates history, culture, and the resilience of women. One show only Thursday 9 May | 7:30pm | Fringe Common Rooms (Victoria Trades Hall). Music played from the 2023 performance: Lu Purtuni - (Rosa Voto, Phil Carroll, Michele Pacelli); Pizzica su tamburo - (Rosa Voto & Michele Pacelli); A Labru de lu mari - (Felice Paone, Renato Vacirca, Rosa Voto).

Jenti, Unni e Scumi (an dro) - Nisia Trio; Li Pedi [2023]*
OPERATION SULTAN (Tarantelle de Saint-Jean) - ROBERTA ROMAN, LUCARIELLO, AKHENATON; La Petite Naples, opération Sultan vol.2 [2023]*
'O calippese napulitano - SUONNO D'AJERE; nun v'annammurate [2024]
L'eguaglianza - La Voce Della Luna; Stepping Out [1997]
Bacilicò - Cesare Basile; Saracena [Viceversa Records][2024]
Sicilia Mia - Famiglia Del Sud; Meglio Tardi Che Mai [2016]
Eastern Dub - Ambient Warrior; Dub Journey's [2021]*
The Yeminite Song - ROWLAND SCHULTZ AKA VIKINGO DE JEREZ; [Soundcloud][2005]

Interview with Lauren Shereee and Jad Pinnone (appearing in Suitcase #1 a music performance series curated as part of The Boite's Portfolio program 2024. This will be at Open Studio on Wednesday May 8.

Aïcha - Jad Pinnone; (soon to be released LP Isteria) [2024]
Sea Of Love - Lauren Sheree; Breathless [2022]
Earth Under Autumn - Wendy Rule; Meadowlark [2024]*
Atlantis - Charm of Finches; Marlinchen In the Snow [2024]*

* can be found at
This episode can be listened to again via streaming on demand at and also as a podcast.

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Music Sans Frontieres presenters Therese Virtue, Joe Malignaggi and Leah Healy
Tuesday 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Music Sans Frontieres has been providing airplay, interviews and promotional opportunities for Australian musicians since 2006. We showcase the local talent of musicians from a diverse range of cultural backgrounds; from the Balkans to the choirs of Timor Leste; from Georgian polyphony to South African marabi. Music Sans Frontieres brings music from diverse and unique cultural groups to a broader listening audience. We respond to musicians' requests and are building a loyal, enthusiastic listenership.


Therese Virtue, Leah Healy and Joe Malignaggi.
