Experiences in the Healthcare System

Wednesday, 11 October 2023 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Raising Our Voices Radio show image. Text reads nothing about us without us image features 2 self advocates one in a wheelchair holding a megaphone the other holding a sign saying Act Now!

 This week, Heather, Skye, Lisa and Steve have a conversation about their experiences as people with disability in the healthcare system.

 They talk about how they have been treated by doctors and other health workers, access to support and information about the different sections of the health system (which can be difficult to navigate), and also the cost of healthcare and lack of financial support. 

Witch Doctor- David Saville

Some of the Raising Our Voices team in a zoom meeting, all smiling with their thumbs up. From top to bottom: Amanda, Miranda, James, Gab, Chris, Heather, Warren, Jane and Shona
Wednesday 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Produced and presented by people with disabilities covering issues such as housing, discrimination, difficulties with public transport, self-advocacy and other related issues.


Action for More Independence and Dignity in Accommodation
