Workers Study Conference in Bangkok

Saturday, 30 November 2024 - 9:00am to 9:30am

News and labour updates from the Asia Pacific region.

We speak with Samantha Bond, stallwart international trade unionist, organiser and trainer with the Australian Services Union, and AAWL Committee of Management member. Sam was delegated to attend the inaugural Workers Study Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, organised by the newly established Initiatives for Workers Solidarity – Asia and the Pacific.

Asia Pacific Currents provides updates of labour struggles and campaigns from the Asia Pacific region. It is produced by Australia Asia Worker Links, in the studio of 3CR Radio in Melbourne, Australia.

Saturday 9:00am to 9:30am
Stories and issues from the Asia Pacific region with a labour and grassroots perspective. Regular interviews with activists from countries in the Asia Pacific region. Produced by Australia-Asia Worker Links.


Australia Asia Worker Links
