
Surfer Stand on beach against AGL Gas development
7 Mar 2021
Presenter: Megan Williams; Guests: Shannon Hurley (Victorian National Parks Association) & Candy Van Rood (Save Westernport)
Air pollution from coal-burning is killing hundreds of Australia every year. Image via Greenpeace
28 Feb 2021
Presenter: Teishan Ahearne. Guests: Bob Vickers (GP in Singleton, NSW); Bronya Lipski (Lawyer EJA).
2 women sit in an iconic vintage style cast iron bed painted white with brass knobs on a luxurious mattress with a white sheet. The two women are young, fresh faced and smiling. The bed has been raised up with ropes high above the ground up a huge old blue gum too create an unusual and striking looking tree sit high in the forest canopy. A banner is draped of the bed that saya Forest Defence NSW and FDN, and also depicts a picture of a more classic looking tree-sit with the words Defend Native Forests
21 Feb 2021
Presenters: Nicky Stott, Juliet Fox & Andy Paine Guests: Chris Schuringa (GECO); Issaac Carne (Errinundra blockade); Miranda Gibson (NSW Forest Defenders & Camp Olney))
An aerial view of Lake Torrens with the north end cut off, as well as west and east tributaries. The colours are muted and mystical pastels. It is very beautiful.
14 Feb 2021
Presenter: Joy Lothian; Guests: Andrew Starkey (Kokatha Senior Lawman) & Keith Thomas (SA Native Title Services)
A yellow and black sign with a melting clock with alarmed face. Climate Action Now
7 Feb 2021
Presenter: Bec Horridge. Guests: Nathan Harris, Jack Egan, Cath Bowden, Dr Michelle Hamrosi, Jed Johnson
Photograph of protestor's torso from the back. They are wearing a hoodie that says "We are not blaming you for what your ancestors did. We are begging you to uplift a system built by them that oppress the oldest living culture in the world. You can not kill us all. You can not silence us. You can change the world.
31 Jan 2021
Presenter: Nicky Stott Speakers: Mandy Nicholson, Bill Nicholson, Lidia Thorpe, Gary Foley & many other First Nations speakers
24 Jan 2021
Presenter: Teishan Ahearne. Guests: Yuyun Harmono (WALHI Indonesia); Chris Schuringa (GECO)
a photograph that has been artistically altered to depict a burned out and parched landscape with blackened tree stumps and a skyline that looks like it's on fire
17 Jan 2021
Production: Nicky Stott; Speakers: Dipti Bhatnagar& Sara Shaw (FoE Int.); Gopal Dayaneni & Tom Wakeford (ETC Group)
A diagram of a spongy soil full of microorganisms, fungi and water.
10 Jan 2021
Presenter: Bec Horridge: Guests: Cindy Eiritz, Walter Jehne
Photo of a house on a bare suburban street with no trees around
3 Jan 2021
Presenter: Else Kennedy; Guest: Sebastian Pfautsch (Western Sydney University)