Pepe Deluxé is a fellowship of extraordinary gentlefolk on a quest for quests, captained by Paul Malmström, an explorer of worlds both known and unknown, and James Spectrum, Baron of Sealand.
Pepe Deluxé is not to be confused with PEPEDELUXE, who is a hair artist in Switzerland.
Pepe Deluxé were born in Finland in 1995 as Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop and Big Beat sound collage exponents who've since grown to adolescence and broadened their sound to include Neo-Psychedelia, Art and Baroque Pop. The band's 5 albums are masterful collages of beautiful sounds for your ears, the latest Phantom Cabinet Vol. 1 took 9 years to assemble. Suffice to say it's the ultimate Pepe Deluxé experience and James Spectrum has also recorded special introductions to the songs on the album for our entertainment.
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