The child of migrant parents who worked long hours, Amanda remembers feeling isolated as a child. She remembers bingeing on food at the age of 8 and has spent many years struggling with compulsive over-eating, using food to calm herself whever she feel restless, irritable, discontented or otherwise uncomfortable. Overeaters Anonymous has shown Amanda that she is not alone and that it is possible to live at ease, without bingeing.
This episode is a repeat. It was first aired in March 2024.
If you are having difficulty with compulsive overeating you might like to contact Overeaters Anonymous. You can find them at All meetings welcome newcomers and the only requirement for OA membership is the desire to stop eating compulsively.
There are meetings listed on the website at - these may be face-to-face, online or hybrid meetings.
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The Living Free show may involve discussion of topics such as suicide, mental illness, self-harm and family violence. Please practise self-care and care of others when listening.
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