
Gamblers Anonymous
11 Nov 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Grant (from Gamblers Anonymous)
Smart Recovery Australia
28 Oct 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Steve (from SMART Recovery Australia)
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
21 Oct 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Ellie and Joyce (from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous)
Compulsive Gambler?
14 Oct 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Max (from Gamblers Anonymous)
Al-Anon mends broken hearts
7 Oct 2021
Ann (Presenter) & Maya (from Al-Anon Family Groups)
Alcoholism Family Recovery
30 Sep 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Lyndal (from Alcoholics Anonymous) and Emma (from Al-Anon Family Groups)
SMART Recovery works
23 Sep 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Tallulah (from SMART Recovery Australia)
Life in recovery is beyond your wildest dreams
16 Sep 2021
Bill & Ann (Co-presenters) & Genevieve (a recovering narcotics user)
Compulsive gamblers can get help in gamblers Anonymous
9 Sep 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Andrew (from Gamblers Anonymous)