
17 Jun 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Maya (of Al-Anon Family Groups) and John (of Narcotics Anonymous)
10 Jun 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Brenden (from Gamblers Anonymous)
Take control of your addictive behaviour
3 Jun 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Josette Freeman (from SMART Recovery Australia)
Narcotics Anonymous
27 May 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Nathan (from Narcotics Anonymous)
Alcoholism, lived experience, Alcoholics Anonymous
20 May 2021
Bill (Presenter) & David (from Alcoholics Anonymous)
Compulsive Gambling
13 May 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Terry (from Gamblers Anonymous)
Alcoholism Family
6 May 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Rosemary (from Al-Anon Family Groups)
SMART Recovery
29 Apr 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Dan (from SMART Recovery Australia)
Underweight, overweight, obsessed with food?
22 Apr 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Anna and Frances (from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous)
Alcohol is more than a drink
15 Apr 2021
Bill (Presenter) & Ingrid (from Alcoholics Anonymous)