Join us for Human Rights Day 2012 and listen in to two special features. Monday 10 December 9 - 10am is Refugee Rights Unravelled, an exploration, and explanation, of the complexities refugees and asylum seekers face coming to Australia. And from 11 - 12noon Yarra Refugee Radio features the stories and reflections of ten refugees and asylum seekers as they share their
Get your ticket in the 3CR annual raffle - support your community radio station and go in the running for a range of great prizes! Polyester vouchers for books and records, an AESOP pack, PURE digital radios and 1st prize is an Allegro bike worth nearly $800. Tickets are just $2, or 3 for $5.

3CR is celebrating International Day of People with Disability on Monday 3 December with 12 hours of radio presented by 3CR's diverse community of disability activists and friends. Join us from 6.30am to 6.30pm, and hear about historic and current protests against discrimination, abuse and indefinite incarceration of people with disability.

Congratulations to all our finalists and winners in the 2012 Community Broadcasting Association of Australia annual awards. Our coverage of the Tent Embassy's 40th anniversary was a finalist - well done!

Beyond the Bars is 3CR's live prison programming - broadcast from inside prisons across Victoria during NAIDOC Week each year, and presented by 3CR's Indigenous broadcasters. Join us for the launch of Beyond the Bars 9, a double CD of highlights from the six prison radio shows.

Yes, it's a sports show - but not like the others! Tune in Friday 5 - 5.30pm and join Trevor Grant (pictured) as he takes a look at how sport has been hijacked by the corporate world.

"Sport is another commodity to be bought and consumed these days, and a roll-over, puppy-dog media, which often has financial relationships with the biggest sports, ensures this process goes unchallenged."

Have you missed the great new segment Different, Like Us? The features are produced by Current Affairs Content Producer, Areej Nur, and reflect the actual diversity and views of Australian communities. You can access it anytime via podcast. Listen now to Spoken Word artist, Abe, on Indigenous empowerment and building bridges
Women musicians join forces to support 3CR’s Music Sans Frontieres’ fundraiser with harp, voices, and songs from round the world. Marilla Homes singing in both folk and classical styles, Carolina Cordeiro with her fado singing, and women's choir, Breathing Space, sing songs from Georgia, the Balkans and beyond. Friday 19 October, 8pm at 1 Mark Street, North Fitzroy.

3CR is currently hosting 10 community broadcasters from Timor-Leste (East Timor). The group are here as part of a program run by the Asia Pacific Journalism Centre and funded through AusAID’s Australian Leadership Awards Fellowships Program.

The group have spent time at 3CR to experience community engagement first-hand, and to produce radio features on the Timor-Leste Diaspora in Melbourne for broadcast on their stations back home.

(Florindo and Joao pictured)

Women on the Line presents a Fundraiser at The Old Bar! Join us for a night of great music, door raffles, drinks and that warm