Voice for Palestine II 25th May Port Protests II Next Wave II This is the week II Labor's Future Made in Australia

Saturday, 18 May 2024 - 7:30am to 9:00am
25th May Port Protests

Voice for Palestine here II Dr Aziz Bhimani just returned from two weeks working as a sturgeon in GAZA - recorded by Vivien Langford (Climate Action Show) - Belmore Park, Sydney 14th May.

25th May Port Protests here II On Saturday 25 May 12:00PM, Palestine solidarity groups and Trade Unionists for Palestine will hold rallies at every port across the country as part of a national day of action. Naarm/Melbourne: Station Pier, Port Melbourne, Boonwurrung Country. We go to a planning meeting held earlier this month.

Next Wave here II Jacinta Leong, from Next Wave, talks about the 40th year celebrations centred on support young creatives and remembering the past successes with this years All School Lab at the Brunswick Mechanic Institute and more.

This is the week here II Kevin Healy slices the week with satire.

Labor's Future Made in Australia here II Don Sutherland gives us a forensic account of the plus & minus of Federal Labor's Future Made in Australia legislation which aims to invest in Australian manufacturing for green energy. Don's blog has more.