Gaza Eye-witness here II Surgeon Dr Sanjay Adsoumili gives an eye-witness account of working in Palestinian medical facility now. Thank You to Vivien Langford for the audio.
Julian Assange Jubilation here II People gathered outside the British Consulate in Melbourne on Tuesday 25th June on hearing the news of Julian Assange's release.
Aphids here II The most fabulous experimental, politically provocative Arts Group APHIDS is 30 and they are celebrating with
Friday 5 July, from 7PM
Arrow on Swanston. 488 Swanston Street, Carlton tickets
This is the week here II Kevin Healy nails the week with the satire gun.
Wages, Productivity & Workers Self Determination here II Don Sutherland gives us something to think about when he broaches the subject of Wages, Productivity & Workers Self Determination.
Note: Thank you to everyone who donated to keep Solidarity Breakfast going. Just another $500 to go to reach our target to donate
Annie McLoughlin and Tobia Severi