Say no to Cashless Debit Card Australia autumn update 2020 interview with Kathryn Wilkes | 3CR Community Radio

Say no to Cashless Debit Card Australia autumn update 2020 interview with Kathryn Wilkes

Thursday, 8 April 2021 - 2:55pm
housing crises due to recent federal budgetary cuts to housing and Pentecostal cabinet majority in LNP and how this impacts policies and update on latest developments on campaign to Say No to Cashless Debit Card Australia

Say no to Cashless Debit Card Australia autumn update 2020 interview with Kathryn Wilkes

Say no to Cashless Debit Card Australia autumn update 2020 interview with Kathryn Wilkes

Length 20 minutes - audio 

Topics: housing crises due to recent federal budgetary cuts to housing and Pentecostal cabinet majority in LNP and how this impacts policies and update on latest developments on campaign to Say No to Cashless Debit Card Australia including particular impact cashless welfare card is having upon Indigenous Australians


https://www.facebook.com/notowelfarecard(link is external)


linktree: https://linktr.ee/NCDCA(link is external)


https://www.facebook.com/groups/SN7Resources(link is external)

Over The Wall

Over The Wall

Informing people of changes within government services that impact upon the social safety net, and how to better deal with bureaucracy and how to protect your rights. Over the Wall offers some simple tools to fight back and defend yourself against a system that penalises people already disadvantaged by poverty and significant health conditions.


Peter Davis and Duncan Graham
