Programs A-Z | 3CR Community Radio

Programs A-Z

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Saturday 11:00am to 12:00pm
On Screen shines a light on what's on the big and the small screen. Hear about what's happening locally - recent releases, retrospectives screenings, film festivals and screen related events. Listen to film makers talk about their work, and hear film reviews and recommendations for television viewing.
Sunday 11:30am to 12:00pm
Information about marine and coastal environments. News and interviews with marine scientists, campaigners and conservation workers. Presented by volunteer broadcasters who are passionate about marine environments, both local and across the world.
Sunday 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Covering pansexual issues, pansexual meaning "knowing no boundaries of sex or gender", including transgender, bisexual and polyamorous issues.
Over The Wall
Informing people of changes within government services that impact upon the social safety net, and how to better deal with bureaucracy and how to protect your rights. Over the Wall offers some simple tools to fight back and defend yourself against a system that penalises people already disadvantaged by poverty and significant health conditions.