
30 Apr 2022
Guests: Julie, Robert, George, Canopy, Dimitri, Rosa Pink. Presenter: Michaela Stubbs
23 Apr 2022
Guest: Dr.Jim Green Presenters: Em Crunch & Michaela Stubbs
Yohanis Mambrasar
16 Apr 2022
Guests: Yohanis Mambrasar & Zelda Grimshaw. Presenter: Michaela Stubbs
Save Malaysia Stop Lynas
9 Apr 2022
Mara Bonacci with Jan Bartlett and Lee Tan
Sign that reads "Barngarla people say no to nuclear waste" with the nuclear sign inside the O of the "No"
2 Apr 2022
Dr Jim Green, Jason Bilney, Jonas Dare, Roddy Wingfield, Harry Dare, Lez Taylor, Dawn Taylor and Stephen Aitkenson
School Strike 4 Climate Naarm-Melbourne rally on Friday 25 March
26 Mar 2022
Guests: Maria Barton, Mia Pepper & Student Strike 4 Climate. Presenter: Michaela Stubbs
19 Mar 2022
Jim Green and Tilman Ruff
Image of nuclear symbol in yellow and black, with writing on left that reads - Sustainable Living Festival 1-28 February, Friends of the Earth Australia presents: Nuclear power for Australia, Is nuclear power a viable climate solution? When: Sat 26 Feb, 2pm-3:30pm, Where: zoom, cost: free. The Friends of the Earth logo of a green circle is in the bottom right corner.
12 Mar 2022
Dr Jim Green
5 Mar 2022
Guests: Regina McKenzie, June Mills, Sue Coleman-Haseldine. Presenter: Michaeala Stubbs
19 Feb 2022
Mara Presents Noam Chomsky with David Brophy as MC