
About 20 people standing with banners in front of the Old Treasury building, a white banner on left reads - No War, No AUKUS, No nuclear subs, yes to peace, safer climate jobs, in the centre is a yellow banner with the IPAN logo and the words - Keep Australia out of US wars, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network.
12 Feb 2022
Dave Ball, Dave Sweeney, Shirley Winton, Romina Beitseen, Dave Glanz.
5 Feb 2022
Elise West
On left: a picture of eye and eyebrow above text that reads Ban School 5: The road to a nuclear free future. On right are 6 circles with pictures of people who are speaking in the session - from clockwise Daryl Le Cornu, Joey Tau, Gem Romuld, Margie Beavis, Jemila Rushton, and one in centre of Margaret Peril.
27 Nov 2021
Joey Tau, Margaret Peril, Daryl le Cornu and Gem Romuld
20 Nov 2021
Mara speaks with Mia Pepper and Lee Tan
6 Nov 2021
Mara Bonacci presents Uncle Kevin Buzzacott and Scott Ludlam
30 Oct 2021
Elise West, Miriam Torzillo, Bev Hall
23 Oct 2021
Guests: Dimity Hawkins, Reverend James Bhagwan, Professor Marianne Hanson, Professor Steven Ratuva. Presenter: Michaela Stubbs
16 Oct 2021
Guests: Mike Smith, Mia Pepper, Kevin Buzzacott. Presenter: Marisa Sposaro
Book cover that reads "Banning the bomb, Smashing the Patriarchy", red letters on black background.
9 Oct 2021
Ray Acheson, Scott Ludlum, Dimity Hawkins