Past merchandise | 3CR Community Radio

Past merchandise


In 2006 3CR created a Seeds of Dissent! Calendar to celebrate 3CR's 30th birthday. The full colour, nationally distributed calendar teemed with radical dates, ideas and inspiration for social change. The calendar sold out of its 2000 copies. The last calendar was produced in 2010 and the station does not currently produce a calendar.

Each 3CR’s Seeds of Dissent! calendar featured:

  • Radical historical dates for each day of the year from Invasion year (1788) onwards.
  • Issues ranging from workers and Indigenous rights to nuclear power, terrorism and international solidarity.
  • Days of the week in English, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese and Arabic Public Holidays, religious days and activist days such as Survival Day, May Day and… International Speak Like A Pirate Day!


Face Up To The Future! 3CR’s fifth Seeds Of Dissent Calendar looks ahead to imagine a future we want to live in, while also celebratingAustralia’s radical history. We asked 12 artists who are part ofAustralian activist culture to contribute an artwork that reflects their idea of the future. Some artists have created images that imagine the ideal future and some have chosen to depict issues we need to address today in order to achieve it.

Australian history re-envisioned with a cheeky female bushranger,uranium mining and the need to recognise the interdependence ofecology, the tyrannical expectations of female beauty, the return of tumbling as a form of transportation (!), Indigenous people at the heart of popular culture… these are the some of the issues explored by artists such as Arlene Texta Queen, Deborah Kelly, Bindi Cole, Adam Hill, Jacqui Brown, Tom O’Hern, Mitch, Jo Waite, Rayna Fahey, Tom Civil, Mickie Quick, Lachlan Conn and Paul J Kalemba.

Cross-stitched samplers, stencils, felt pen drawings, collages, cartoons, photographs, illustration, computer art… these are the media the artists use to take us into the future of the 2010 Seeds of Dissent Calendar. The 2010 Seeds of Dissent! Calendar invited 12 fabulous Australian artists to create their vision for the future.

2010 Calendar Pages


Seeds of Dissent 2009! Calendar
The 2009 Seeds of Dissent calendar documented radical history through the visual mass medium of printed posters used for decades by Australia’s social agitators as a tool for social change.  Filled with inspirational images and storiesof the people who asked for a better Australia, this calendar offered a fascinating insight into the people who have fought for our rights, and payed homage to their efforts. From the small collectives making photocopies to promote a rally or dance, to the artists who painstakingly lined up multiple-colour screenprints.





3CR 2008 Calendar
The 2008 Calendar exposed Twelve Australian Myths with satire and aplomb as we asked questions such as:
  • Who really founded modern Australia? 
  • Is the Aussie BBQ really so great? 
  • Could it be that all Australian Muslims are terrorist suspects?
  • Does Australia live up to her national Athem, "For  those who've come across the sea, we've boundless plains to share"?




2007 Calendar
The 2007 Seeds of Dissent Calendar profiled twelve campaigns that changed - and are still changing - Australia.  Celebrating Australian Activi with activist photographs from modern day and historic struggles campaigns featured in this calendar included Equal Pay for Women, the 1910 Anti-Conscription fight back, the 60's and 70's Gurindji and the Buga Up!s 1980's anti-smoking campaign.






2006 Calendar
In 2006 3CR produced our very first Seeds of Dissent Calendar to celebrate 30 years of Australian activism and to mark 3CR's 30th birthday.  This first calendar honours with a rich archive of photographs Australia's rich and diverse history ofrevolutionaries, renegades, and just plain outraged folks who make trouble, resist colonisation, stick up for their rights and improve the lives of all.


The Calendar Team

Calendar Team 08
The Seeds of Dissent! Calendar was produced by 3CR's Promotions Sub Committee's Calendar Team.

This group of volunteers was coordinated by 3CR's Special Projects Coordinator(link sends e-mail) with design by 3CR's freelance graphic designer Tom Civil(link is external).Calendar Team members through the years include Iain McIntyre, Bree McKilligan, Tom Civil, Elanor McInerney, Rachel Maher, Lou Smith, Craig Garrett, Mohammed El-leissey, Nicole Hurtubise and Sonya Everard with proofing by Peter Cahill. 

Pictured above at the November launch at Readings (link is external)in Carlton is the 2009 Calendar Team. Left to right are Bree, Tom, Rachel and Elanor with Iain stretched out in front.


How To Get a Job DVD

How to Get a Job DVD Cover
A 15min comic satire about being middle aged, unemployed and unlikely to be employed is the funniest film about the Job network.

Audiences have given it a big thumbs up with American viewers describing it as; 'Hilarious', 'Excellent acting'. Locals agree; 'Deserves an Oscar',  ‘Makes great points'.

It comes with a second short film about the fight against development in Northcote called No more than four.
$5/ $8 (posted) all proceeds to 3CR.

Heart To Heart CD Cover

Heart To Heart
A tribute to 3CR broadcaster Lisa Bellear (1961 – 2006).

Free to 3CR Subscribers
Beyond the Bars 6 Beyond the Bars 1-10
Highlights from 3CR’s 2008 National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee Week live broadcasts.
Free to 3CR Subscribers
Women on the Line CD On the Record: 20 Years of Women's Radio
Highlights from 20 years of community radio's national feminist current affairs program, Women On The Line.
Free to 3CR Subscribers
Great Voices CD 11 Great Voices in Opera and Song: Volume 10
33 fantastic tracks of arias and scenes compiled on to 2 CDs by the Great Voices Program.
plus $5.00 postage
Swing and Sway 2007 Cover Swing and Sway Radiothon 2014
26 swinging tracks compiled by the Swing 'n' Sway program.
plus $5.00 postage
Nostalgia Unlimited 2007 Cover Nostalgia Unlimited Radiothon 2014
23 Old Time tracks compiled by Nostalgia Unlimited.
plus $5.00 postage
Steam Radio 2007 cover Steam Radio 2014 
26 steaming hot tracks compiled by Steam Radio.
plus $5.00 postage
Jazz on a Saturday Vol 3 Cover Jazz on a Saturday Favourites: Volume 3
Featuring The Bell Band, the Barnard Brothers and the Frank Johnson band.
Compiled by Jazz on a Saturday
plus $5.00 postage
Revolutionary Radio CD Cover Revolutionary Radio
Compilation of spoken word and music celebrating 3CRs 30th Birthday in 2006.
Free to 3CR Subscribers
Let the Bands Play 2006 Cover Let the Bands Play 
Collector's Choice 2006
Marching band music compiled by Let the Bands Play
plus $5.00 postage
DIY Arts Show CD Showcase Cover The DIY Arts Show CD Showcase
Selected from 2 years of live to air recordings from The DIY Arts Show featuring tracks by local, interstate and international performers.
plus $5.00 postage

Spread the Seeds of Dissent with our colourful logo tshirts.

3Cr Seeds of Dissent Tshirts
3CR's Seeds of Dissent tshirts are 100% cotton and non-sweatshop. 

Designed by Tom Civil in collaboration with 3CR's Promotions Sub Committe and modelled by Pier and Leanne with Colm in the forground.

Available in many different colours and prints. $25.00








T-shirts are available in the following colours:

black navy blue gun metal grey orange bright green
olive green beige chocolate brown sweatshirt grey pastel lime
bright yellow charcoal white cream pale pink





T-shirts are available in the following sizes:

Ladies cotton tees XS-39 S-41 M-43 L-45 XL-47 XXL-50
Men's cotton tees XS- 48 S- 52 M- 54 L- 56 XL- 60 XXL- 62

Sizes refer to chest width measurements in cm from armhole to armhole.
