
4 Jun 2016
Vince Emmanuel, Tom Doig, Kevin Healy, Dr Noah Bassil, Annie McLoughlin, Vivian Langford
28 May 2016
Lalitha Chelliah, Ciaran Tully, Kishan Kariipanan, Scott Jordan & Kevin Healy
14 May 2016
Annie McLoughlin, Professr Jane Kelsey, USLaborAgainstWar panellists, Humphrey McQueen
7 May 2016
Annie McLoughlin, Kim Doyle, Dr Deborah Gleeson, Kevin Healy, Dr Noah Bassil
30 Apr 2016
Lalitha Chelliah, Dick Nichols, Fiona Armstrong, Mark Anthony Dotson & Mathis Dührsen & Kevin Healy.
23 Apr 2016
Annie McLoughlin, Kim Doyle, Khury Petersen-Smith, Kevin Healy, Antony Loewenstein
16 Apr 2016
Lalitha Chelliah, Kevin Healy, Humphrey McQueen, Ian Angus and Ramesh Agrawal
9 Apr 2016
Annie McLoughlin with Jess Lenehan, Spike & Kelly, Jacob Grech
2 Apr 2016
Lalitha Chelliah, Michael Moore, Craig McGregor, Margarita Windisch & Kevin Healy.
26 Mar 2016
Kim Doyle, Annie McLoughlin, Sandra Bloodworth, Farah Kobaissy, Kevin Healy, Mandla Nkosi