Human Rights

Station Managers Bruce Francis (1989-96) and Rachel Kirby (now)

The world is awash with digital communication, yet there’s never been such a lack of political alternatives. Information is the new commodity and truly alternative visions for justice, equity and sustainability remain elusive. Thankfully, community and alternative media continue to step into the void to fight for community justice, action and alternatives. Despite all that we know about the importance of representation, it is still a revolutionary act to put a mic in the hand of someone denied a voice, and more than four decades later 3CR Community Radio continues to do just that. Fight For Your Mic captures the station’s ongoing commitment to fighting for a better world through the medium of radio, and during our annual Radiothon fundraiser we ask all our supporters to donate so that we can stay radical and independent. Donate now or call the station on 03 9419 8377.

Remember Me artwork by Reko Rennie in North Fitzroy.

National Sorry Day is an annual event that has been held in Australia on 26 May, since 1998. On 26 May 1997, the Bringing Them Home report was tabled in Parliament. First Nations communities and organisations had been campaigning for an inquiry that would address the general public's ignorance of the history of forced removals because it was hindering the recognition of the needs of its victims and their families and the provision of services that they needed.

3CR Tuesday Breakfast Team

On Tuesday 24 April, 7-8.30am, Tuesday Breakfast will explore how structural inequalities put First Nations women, immigrant women, sex workers, women of colour, women with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ women, homeless women, refugee women, and working class women at risk of predatory practices. With special guests including Sally Goldner (Transgender Victoria and Out of the Pan), Tareen Onus-Williams (Yiga Gunditj / Bindal / Erub Mur Islander, activist), Nik Ranger (Dada Ono), Queenie Bon Bon (worker, activist and performance artist), Anastasia Le (Out for Australia), Vicky Vacondios (educator, speaker and advocate on family violence and homelessness).

Stolenwealth Games

Help 3CR send a team of broadcasters to the Stolenwealth Games Protest April 4 - 15 2018, Queensland. We have 30 Limited Edition ‘Divine Intervention’ prints signed by Robbie Thorpe and Tom Civil. The “Divine Intervention” fire crest was a collaboration between Robbie Thorpe and Tom Civil in 2006 in the lead up to the  Melbourne Commonwealth (Stolenwealth) Games, and the Queen's visit. The crest symbolises the acknowledgement of Indigenous Law in Australia. Lightening strikes, igniting Indigenous Law represented by fire amongst the wattle branches, and in turn freeing the kangaroo and emu from their place in the 'Australian Coat of Arms'. The kangaroo and the emu then warm themselves by the fire. We are selling these limited edition screen prints for $100. We also have T-shirts $25 and tote bags for $20 each. So come down to the station during business hours and get some beautiful art and support an important project.

Tuesday 10:00am to 12:00pm
Billabong Beats is modelled on a traditional style “camp” and our philosophy of respect is based on the Sacred Fire that is corner stone to our production. The Sacred Fire opens a port-hole to The Dream-Time & connects the listener to the Lore of the land & to the Spirit of the land.
International Women's Day 2018

On Thursday 8 March join 3CR in celebrating International Women’s Day 2018. Tune in from midnight Wednesday until midnight Thursday 8 March to hear 24 hours of women and gender diverse voices, talkback, music, current affairs, union news, community languages and much more. Check out the exciting content we have planned for you here. Also come in to check out our new International Women's Day mural by Ms Saffaa and Molly Crabapple featuring (R - L) Julia De Burgos, Celeste Liddle and Dr. Hatoon Al Fassi and Suhair Hamad.

This year we mark Invasion Day with 6 hours of special programming from 10 am – 4 pm on Friday 26th January.

We'll start the day will Elders Stories from our local community and some of our favourite Blak anthems.

Then at 11am, cross live to the Invasion Day rally that begins on the steps of Victorian Parliament. This year marks the 80th anniversary of the first Day of Mourning protest called by William Cooper.

A feast of radical summer radio featuring shorts, documentaries, music, and highlights from across the years.
Alternative News

On 12 November 2017, Campaign for International Co-operation and Disarmament (CICD) will celebrate Bruce McPhie, Rev Richard Wootton and Heather Corry’s lives and achievements for peace and social justice. CICD will also celebrate 40 years of Alternative News broadcasting on 3CR. We invite you to help celebrate their achievements with us. Sunday 12 November, 1.30 to 5pm, Unitarian Peace Memorial Church, 110 Grey St, East Melbourne. More information and rsvps to Romina

Beyond the Bars CD Launch Thursday 2 November

Come along to the launch of the Beyond the Bars 2017 CD - a double CD of highlights from this year's NAIDOC Week prison broadcasts. Join us upstairs at MAYSAR, 184 Gertrude St, Fitzroy, on Thursday the 2 November from 6 to 8 pm.  The launch will feature a live panel discussion on Aboriginal incarceration, Q & A, and deadly music. Free CDs, snacks and drinks will be available. This is an alcohol free event, and has disability access.