Australia-China Friendship Pt 2, Abolish Austraya event Poetry, Trump's impact on Australian Business, US-Cuba policy backflip | 3CR Community Radio

Australia-China Friendship Pt 2, Abolish Austraya event Poetry, Trump's impact on Australian Business, US-Cuba policy backflip

Wednesday, 29 January 2025 - 7:00am to Wednesday, 5 February 2025 - 8:30am
Wednesday Breakfast Logo, text and 3CR logo

Acknowledgement of Country

News Headlines

Lev Lafayette, Part 2 of the interview with the president of the Australia China Friendship Society Victoria on the first day of the Lunar New Year

Rapper Philly performing at the Abolish Australia event held on 25th of January - Language warning for this musical performance

Dr. Mariano Heyden - Potential impacts of second Trump presidency on the Australian business landscape

Sasha Gillies-Lekakis - USA-Cuba policy backflip concerning the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism