
30 Dec 2015
Brainwaves hosts a range of guests, Siretti from the organisation In Our Own Words, and Natasha and Heeba, from AFRO Care. Both organisations aim to address mental health issues in the African community.
Kate & Daniel
23 Dec 2015
Guest director Jay Richards comes on the show this week to talk about his documentary Ray of Light. The Ray of Light documentary looks to shine a light on youth anxiety, depression and suicide.
Rose & Kathy
16 Dec 2015
Dr Neil Thomas, Director National e-Therapy Centre, Swinburne University talks about the SMART Project and The International Consortium on Hallucination Research smartinfo.org.au
Presenters: Tu, Chiara and Kathy Guest: Neil
9 Dec 2015
Louisa Dent Pearce shares her Lived Experience and talks about her early episode of mental health issues, exploration into healing and recovery, and giving back to others
Presenters: Kathy and Kate Guest: Louisa Dent Pearce
2 Dec 2015
Minto Felix, founding member of Australians for Mental Health and Mental Health Programs Coordinator at Monash University, comes on the show to talk about the national advocacy campaign. Australians for Mental Health attempts to empower Australians to compel all political parties to make mental ill health a key election issue and the next Federal election.
Tu & Chiara
25 Nov 2015
Advocate, playwright Neil Cole reflects on career in federal politics and living with bipolar disorder
Guest Neil Cole interviewed by James and Rose
18 Nov 2015
Suzanne Hurley from PANDA comes on the show in light of Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Week, to talk about the mental health issues before, during and after pregnancy.
Tu & Chiara
11 Nov 2015
Dorothy Gilmour (Wheller) is a Grief and Loss counseller and lecturer at Swinburne University. On today's show, Dorothy joins the program to talk about grief following death, different forms of grief and loss and the link between mental illness and grief.
Paneller: Kathy, Guest: Dorothy Gilmour, Presenters: Kathleen & Tu
4 Nov 2015
Prof Mike Slade talks mental health recovery and what it means to lead a meaningful life
Guest Prof Mike Slade interviewed by Kathy and Rose
28 Oct 2015
In the last of the Headspace curated series of shows, this week's program explores the lived experience of two young men, exploring mental health from 2 unique perspectives. In Part 1 of the program Mark explores self care when managing depression and anxiety, and in Part 2 Damian discusses mental health and healing in the context of family.
Interviewers: Kate & Lucy, Guests: Damian, Kate, Panelling: Tu