Emily Castle is a writer whose work has been published in New Matilda, un magazine and Philament Journal. Emily first studied Sculpture and Spatial Practice at the Victorian College of the Arts and later Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne. She is a member of Undercurrent Community Education Project, where she facilitates workshops around challenging and preventing gendered violence, and is currently a volunteer with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (NATSILS). Emily has previously undertaken internships in policy development at SNAICC - National Voice for Our Children and at the Aboriginal Legal Service in Redfern, as well as volunteering at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre and the Youth Referral and Independent Person Program. She also collaboratively runs open feminist collective brainlina. brainlina.com
Honey – Kehlani from the 2017 Single Honey
SOS – Kelela from 2017 album Take Me Apart
Fantasy feat Dugong Jr – Miss Blanks from 2017 EP Diary of a Thotaholic
I Never Loved This Hard This Fast Before – Tami T from 2013 I Never Loved This Hard This Fast Before Single
Do It Ourselves produced by Sim Seezy – Dio Ganhdih from 2016 EP Do It Ourselves
Dime To – Various Asses from 2017 album Loción
BB GOY – Kandere from their 2017 release
Smashin feat Sim Seezy produced by Sim Seezy – Dio Ganhdhi from 2016 EP Do It Ourselves
Spectrum – Mhysa from 2017 Fantasii
Queering the Air collective